Another cool think about this web site is that you can buy the clothing (supposedly at a reduced rate) if you decide that you want to keep an item. Well, I did decide to keep one Asos dress so far (the one below), something I really liked when I put it on and I thought it was just too pretty to send back.
Yesterday's mail came with another subscription idea that I heard about recently -- Umba Box. So how does this work? You pay $30 a month and you get a surprise box with 2-3 items from independent artists/ businesses. As someone who supports small companies, I thought this was a great idea! (and I got my first box at 1/2 off because of a code I found when I read the original article about this concept). So here is the small box that came yesterday (super cute packaging, by the way!) with the two items that were selected for this month's box. Sitting on top of the box are the artist cards which explain the folks behind the two items.
Here are the two items. The item on the left is a set of four coasters from a small company called "Fox and Anchor Paper." I found their stuff on their Etsy site (click here). The coasters I received are selling for $8. According to the artist card, the two women behind this company run their paper through a press one at a time and then color the sheets individually. I am not sure that I am in need of any coasters but I figure that these might make a cute gift for someone (they have an adorable little bow tie pattern).
Here is a close up of the other item I received -- an amazing ceramic necklace that I love, love, love! The artist/ company behind this is the "Natasha K Collection" and she too has an Etsy shop: click here. This exact item retails on her web site for $30 and is made of ceramic. It is in a half moon shape and it is super cute!
So the retail total was $38 for about the $15 I paid for this first box. Even if I had paid the usual $30 I think I would still be happy. This is an amazing way for these artists to get their work out and I now have at least one more Etsy page to check on a regular basis (the ceramic jewelry is so pretty!).
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