Thursday, June 27, 2013

The night before Dissertation-alooza ends!

So this week I have been working my butt off to get Chapter 5 (the all important analysis!) done in terms of revising what I had already written.  I think I am pretty much done with the chapter though I will go through it one more time tomorrow before I ship it off to the fabulous Dr. M.  And that, then, will put to rest the three chapters I needed to focus on before we left on our trip to Scotland (we leave in exactly one week!).  I will meet my goal.  And that feels pretty good!

But I am not 100% done yet (and I am worried that what I have revised still isn't good enough).  I plan to look at the introduction (chapter 1) and the conclusion (chapter 6) a bit next week before we leave and then as soon as we come back, I will power through them and get these last two pieces in better shape (I need to probably make some changes based on the revising I did during the last four weeks of dissertation-alooza!)

The cool think -- and I say this almost timidly! -- is that I can "feel" being almost done.  I hope this is the right kind of intuition because I could be completely wrong.  It's possible that I may not be ready for my defense but ... I feel like I am getting close.  I just hope that it's close close.  Graduating in December is the most important goal in my life right now.

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