What I have right now is about 16 pages of Chapter 5 and about 20 pages of Chapter 6. My unhappiness is simply in the fact that I wanted to be done with the analysis -- I wanted this section to be off my back 100%! And it's not! If I thought writing that darn methodology chapter was hard, I had no idea what was coming with these darn results! But tonight I did a lot of brainstorming (which students do I want to mention? Which sentences that they wrote? What patterns to they fall into?) and I guess I just need to sit down over the next couple of days and just pound this out. I have a bunch of sub-sections (I guess you could call them?) but I am struggling with how to order all this information. And I don't sound "smart" as I am walking through and explaining my interpretation -- that is probably one of the "monkeys on my back" right now that I need to get rid of. It is so hard to write when you hear this whispered voice saying, "You are stupid -- they are going to hate this."
OK, break over -- back to playing with the analysis ..... ugh ......
Aww. ..you'll get there. :) xoxo