Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Quick Update!

Well, yesterday was a historical day for me -- my last chemo ever (hopefully!). After chemo, Jim and I had to drive across town to get to radiation and yesterday was #15! That means I am almost halfway down with that part of the journey! (only 18 more to go!). Dr L, the fabulous oncologist, also gave me a heads-up for the surgery on December 20. My GYN, Dr D, had expressed some concern about doing the surgery because of concerns about my lowered immune system BUT Dr L said that she had thought I would be fine so hopefully that will satisfy Dr D. Even though I am NOT excited about another surgery, I just want to get this done so I can start 2011 without any cancer stuff hanging over my head!

Today is the start of Thanksgiving Break so I can try and relax! This past week has been better as far as not feeling too sick but now with a new (though last!) round of chemo drugs in my body, I suspect the next two weeks might be a little rocky since each round seems to get a little worse. Today, though, I have two doctor's appointments (therapist and radiation) and then I need to do some food shopping and then finally back home! Tomorrow we are going to Jim's sister's house and I need to prepare some vegetarian-friendly food to bring so I can eat something yummy, too!

Happy Thanksgiving! :D
PS: Laurie -- already using the sunglass case! Many thanks! :D
PPS: Dr L -- I have played my cool musical card like a million times! :D
PPPS: Rachel -- I love hearing about your wedding plans! And the new puppy! Has he come yet?! :D


  1. You go girl! Have a great Turkey Day (or vegan day)...stay're getting!

  2. She comes tomorrow. Ack - wish us luck! ;)


Book Review: "Murder Book: A Graphic Memoir of a True Crime Obsession"

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