Monday, August 9, 2010

"Look Good, Feel Better" Seminar

OK -- so this morning I went to a beauty seminar hosted by the American Cancer Society called "Look Good, Feel Better." I am not a big makeup person but it sort of was fun to hang out with some women and get an expert to show my how to wear makeup (especially since I don't generally wear it at all). The only unfortunate thing was that I was the only white girl in a room full of African American women -- and the professional makeup artist was also African American -- and so the talk was geared more towards folks with darker skin tones. Don't get me wrong -- everyone was super nice but I was the quietest one in the room (my fault totally) and so I didn't get a lot of one-on-one attention. BUT -- I walked away with a bag full of free makeup that I am guessing is not super cheap in the store (the kind of makeup I would usually buy). The brands were MAC, Bobby Brown, Mary Kay, Revlon, Estee Lauder, Calrins, and some other names I didn't recognize (all in the cute red bag pictured above!).

The best part was the info on scarves and how to wear them -- oh, and info on dealing with skin problems, so far the only big side effect I am experiencing right now as I start week #2. My tummy hurts off and on, too, but it is manageable most of the time. But every now and then I get an intense amount of pressure and just have to sit down for a few minutes. Not sure what is going on but at least these side effects are do-able.

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