Monday, July 4, 2011

Tokyo Bound!

Just a quick update to my poor, neglected blog!

We are leaving later today for Dallas/ Ft Worth were we will stay the night at the airport and then on to Tokyo (Narita) in the morning. We will be gone for about three weeks and I am hoping that I will have the opportunity to update with some pictures as we have adventures! (we are thinking about renting a wi-fi hotspot for our time that we are there).

I am also going to Tokyo not knowing the results of the MRI I had on Thursday. I am sure that the scan will come back with news of everything being all clear so I refuse to let this inhibit me from having a great vacation! (and I will try and call the doc's office in the morning from Dallas before we board our Tokyo flight). Unfortunately, neither of our cell phones will work in Japan so they can't call me with the update.

One other small bit of news -- we took our older cat Zora to the vet on Saturday so we could get a renewal of her medication for her thyroid problem. They ran some blood work while we were there and it looks like Zora has the beginning of Kidney disease (which explains why she has been obsessed with water). The good news, though, is that it has been caught early and she could still live a long, happy life (she's 14). I sure hope so.

And that's about it. We are off to have a grand adventure -- and Jim has never been to Japan so this will be a huge adventure for him! -- and I am hoping I remember enough Japanese from my 4 years of living there back in the 90's!


Book Review: "Murder Book: A Graphic Memoir of a True Crime Obsession"

  When I was in graduate school -- pursuing an MA and later a PhD in English -- I often “hid” the true crime books that I tended to read whe...